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Privacy Policy (Approved March 2022 @ Rev 1)


Bradley Stoke Bowls Club (The Club) is committed to respecting your privacy. This privacy notice explains how the Club uses personal information before, during and after your membership with the Club. It also explains how the Club complies with the law on data protection, what your rights are and for the purposes of data protection the Club will be your data controller of any personal data.


The Club has not appointed a Data Protection Officer to oversee compliance with data protection laws, as we are not required to do so, but the Chair of the Club has overall responsibility for compliance in the Club.


1. Personal information we may collect from you


When you sign up for membership of the Club you will be asked to provide the Club with:


• Personal contact details to allows us to contact you directly such as name, title, address, email address and telephone numbers;


Although many of our fixtures are mixed, we do have teams in mens and ladies leagues, ladies friendlies as well as running internal club competitions for novices, ladies and men, therefore we ask you about your


• Date of Birth;

• Gender;

• Years of bowling experience (for a certain competition).


We reserve the right to contact your previous club for a reference and hence we ask about former bowls club memberships.


• Previous Bowling Club memberships.


And in case of need we ask for:


• An emergency contact If you are taken ill whilst playing and the Captain of the Day needs to inform someone close to you such as spouse/partner/parent/guardian.


During your membership, the Club may record:


• Records of interactions with the Club such as availability for matches, matches played, telephone conversations, emails, Facebook and website pages viewed and other correspondence and your instructions to the Club;

• Images in video and/or photographic form and voice recordings;

• Coaching / teaching qualification start and end dates;

• Any coaching code or official number;


2. Special categories of personal information


The Club may also collect, store and use the following “special categories” of more sensitive personal information:


• Your race or ethnicity, and

• If relevant, your health including any medical conditions and any disabilities.


N.B. The Club may not collect all of the above special category personal information.


To collect and use your personal information, it is necessary for the Club under the GDPR to have a lawful basis and the Club will apply the most appropriate of the following:

• Consent - you provide your information to the Club so that it can administer the organising and playing of bowls either home or away. • Protect your vital interests - such as a life-or-death situation or to protect you from harm, or the vital interests of another person.

• A task in the public interest or where it is required for the Club to use your personal information.

• Legitimate interests – where the Club needs to process your data for our legitimate interests, or the legitimate interests of a third party such as Bowls England, GBA and others.


For the special category data, such as your medical information, the Club will rely on the following conditions:

• Explicit consent – this will usually be in writing.

• Protect vital interests – when you are unable to give consent and you or someone else is at risk of harm.

• Establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or whenever courts are acting in their judicial capacity.


3. Where we collect your information


• The Club typically collects personal information when you join or renew your membership of the Club.

• If you are providing details of emergency contacts, they have the right to know and to be aware of how the Club collects, stores and uses their personal data, therefore, please share this privacy notice with them. They have the same rights as set out in “Your rights”, see below.


4. How does the Club process and use your data?


All Members



To administer your membership with the club

Personal Information

Contact details, name, address, phone and email

Lawful Basis

To effectively manage and administer your membership and to allow you to fully participate in the Club



Retention of records

Personal Information

All personal information

Lawful Basis

Where the Club has a legitimate interest in relation to complaints / claims or where there is a legal / regulatory

obligation to do so



Security of IT Systems

Personal Information

All personal information

Lawful Basis

The Club will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any records held locally on the Club Secretary's pc have

been properly protected with passwords and the pc is kept up to date with appropriate anti-virus protection.

For the National Register see Bowls England Privacy Policy under  Policies, Rules & Regulations - Bowls England



For the purpose of promoting the sport and the Club

Personal Information

Images in video / photographic form

Lawful Basis

The Club will ask for your explicit consent prior to using your images or any images you may appear in



Complying with H&S requirements

Personal Information

Attendance Records, health, medical and disability information

Lawful Basis

The Club has a legal obligation and legitimate interest to provide its members with a safe environment



Facebook and other IT systems

Personal Information

Usage records

Lawful Basis

The Club is interested in how many members use the Club's Facebook and any other IT systems that it

might develop. See below for further information



Arranging trips or transportation

Personal Information

Usage records

Lawful Basis

Necessary to make appropriate arrangements for trips



Your physical or mental health including injuries or disabilities to ensure your H&S, fitness to play or to make

appropriate adjustments so you can play

Personal Information

Medical and health information

Lawful Basis

The Club processes this special category personal data in line with section 2 of this policy



Gathering evidence for possible grievance or disciplinary hearings

Personal Information

All personal information we collect including any disciplinary and grievance information

Lawful Basis

The Club has a legitimate interest in providing a safe and fair environment for all members and the effective management of any disciplinary hearings and appeals



Equal Opportunities Monitoring

Personal Information

Name, title, date of birth, gender, race, ethnicity, health and medical information

Lawful Basis

The Club has a legitimate interest in promoting an inclusive, fair and accessible environment



5. What the Club does with the information


All the personal data is processed by the Club solely for the organising and playing of flat green bowls. This could involve contacting you by telephone, emails or post. If you become an Officer or hold some other role within the Club, you will be asked to consent to publishing your name and contact telephone number in the Fixtures Booklet and if appropriate on Selection Availability cards.


6. Disclosure of Information


The Club shares personal information with the following parties:

• Any party approved by you;

• To any governing bodies or regional bodies for bowls to allow them to properly administer bowls on a local, regional and national level; • Government or other regulators: where we are required by law or to assist with their investigations or initiatives (e.g. awarding grants/sponsorships);

• Police, law enforcement and security services: to assist with the investigation and prevention of crime and the protection of national security.


7. How long will the Club keep your information


The Club will retain your data only for as long as it is needed to administer the Club’s activities and investigations. Usually, this will be for 6 years, but it will vary depending on the type of issue involved since that creates different types of records. Information that may be relevant to personal injury or discrimination claims may be retained until the limitation for those types of claims has expired. For BSBC Privacy Policy Updated January 2021 personal injury or discrimination claims this can be for an extended period as the limitation period might not start to run until long after you have left the Club.


8. IT systems and transferring your information overseas


Club Website

The Club’s website is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us and you to communicate with the Club. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall.


The Club may contact you to poll your opinions through surveys or questionnaires, to send updates about the Club, or as otherwise necessary to contact you for these purposes we may contact you via email, telephone, text messages, and postal mail.


The Website uses cookies for important reasons, such as:

• To provide a great experience for you as a member of the Club;

• To identify all registered members;

• To monitor and analyse the performance, operation and effectiveness of Website platform;

• To ensure the platform is secure and safe to use;

• Displaying a Cookie Banner which is a consent banner that informs you on how the cookies are being used on the site. By enabling this banner, only essential cookies are placed on your device. You can, either approve all cookie types by simply clicking Accept, or only allow specific types by clicking the Cookie Settings button.

• If you don’t want the Club to process your data anymore, please contact The Club Secretary contact details are displayed in the Office and published in the Fixtures Booklet.


Bowls England National Database

Please note that your personal data stored on Bowls England’s National Database may be stored on servers in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Bowls England has received assurances from their third-party contractor that they will handle your data in line with GDPR requirements.


9. Your rights


You have a number of rights relating to your information:

• to see what the Club holds; • to ask it to share your data with another party;

• ask the Club to update incorrect or incomplete details;

• to object to or restrict processing of your data;

• to make a complaint about how the Club is handling it;


If you have given the Club your permission to use your information you also have the right to withdraw that permission at any time in the future. If you decide to withdraw your consent to certain personal data you may not be able to fully interact with the Club, for example, withdrawing telephone and/or email contact will affect the Club’s ability to inform you of any last-minute changes.


Whilst this policy sets out a general summary of your legal rights in respect of personal information, this is a complex area of law and more information can be found on the Information Commissioner’s website .


10. Child Privacy


The Club is aware of the Recital 38 of the UK GDPR stating that: “Children require specific protection with regard to their personal data as they may be less aware of the risks, consequences and safeguards concerned and their rights in relation to the processing of personal data”.


Therefore, the Club will seek the consent of the holder of parental responsibility before storing and using any personal data of children.  


11. Questions or Concerns


If you have any worries or questions about how your personal information is handled please contact The Club Secretary, whose details are published each year in the Fixtures Booklet.


12. Keeping Your Personal Data Up to Date


It is important that you ensure that your personal data that the Club holds about you is accurate and up-to-date and you should let the Club know if anything changes, for example, if you change your phone number or email address. You will be able to update some of the personal information each year when completing a membership application form but at other times you should contact the Club Secretary, whose details are published in the Fixtures Booklet produced each season.


13. Links to Other Web Sites ( addition. @ rev.1  March 2022)


This Web Site may contain links to other sites. Unless expressly stated, these sites are not under the control of Bradley Stoke Bowls Club or that of our affiliates.  The Club assumes no responsibility for the content of such web sites and disclaim liability for any and all forms of loss or damage arising out of use of them. The inclusion of a link to another site on this Web Site does not imply any endorsement of the sites themselves or those in control of them. 


14. Changes to This Policy ( updated. @ rev.1  March 2022)


The Club may update this policy notice from time to time. When the Club changes this policy in any material way, it will update the version at the main header title. For any significant changes the Club will try to give you reasonable notice unless it is prevented from doing so. Where required by law the Club will seek your consent to changes in the way in which it uses your personal information. Notification of any changes will also be posted on the Club’s Facebook and website or via formal email.


15. Independent Advice


For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at: Information Commissioner's Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number. Alternatively, visit or email





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